French Immersion Program

Students from Kindergarten through to Grade 6 follow a French Immersion Program. Learning a second language at an early developmental age strengthens a student's overall academic skills as he or she can make strong connections between the languages they are speaking on a daily basis. (Some of these classes may be taught in English in order to meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Education)

Students begin their first cycle speaking and learning only French in the classroom. In cycles 2 and 3 the percentage of French decreases.


Level Subjects Taught in English *Subjects Taught in French
Cycle 1 Physical Education & Health Français langue d'enseignement (immersion)
Science et technologie
Art dramatique
Arts plastiques
Éthique et culture religieuse
Cycle 2 English Language Arts
Ethics and Religious Culture
Français langue d'enseignement (immersion)
Science et technologie
Géographie, histoire et éducation á la citoyenneté
Art dramatique
Arts plastiques
Éducation physique et á la santé
Cycle 3 English Language Arts
Ethics and Religious Culture
Français langue d'enseignement (immersion)
Science et technologie
Géographie, histoire et éducation á la citoyenneté
Art dramatique
Arts plastiques
Éducation physique et á la santé
*This does not include French spoken during recess, daycare and other Extra-Curricular Activities.